2024 could define the future of the gun violence prevention movement: From elections and pivotal Supreme Court decisions to holding the gun industry accountable, our grassroots movement is ready for everything that this year has in store.
We're transforming the conversation on gun safety—but none of this work would be possible without you. That's why we need to hear what's important to you: Fill out our gun safety survey to help guide the conversation in 2024.
Here's what you can expect from our movement in the year ahead:
For a sneak peek at our 2024 playbook, look no further than Virginia's 2023 elections: a bellwether for this year's federal races.
Our winning Virginia strategy buoyed gun sense candidates and Moms Demand Action volunteers to key victories up and down the ballot, flipping the House of Delegates and securing a gun sense majority in the Virginia legislature. Moms Demand Action volunteers now make up nearly 20 percent of the Virginia House Majority.
State supreme courts have also become an important line of defense for many gun safety laws, and sheriffs have an important role to play in enforcing them. In 2023, we continued to expand our electoral efforts and investments in key down-ballot races—and we're doubling down on these pivotal elections in 2024.
Come November, our grassroots movement is ready to make history yet again by sending the strongest gun safety administration ever back to the White House and uplifting gun sense champions to victory at every level of government—because our lives depend on it.
In 2023, we took our fight for gun safety to the U.S. Supreme Court to demand that justices protect women and families in a pivotal case—U.S. v. Rahimi.
If the Supreme Court agrees with the lower court's decision in Rahimi, they will strike down the federal law prohibiting many domestic abusers from owning firearms, forcing survivors to live in fear that their abusers can get access to deadly weapons.
After mobilizing during oral arguments last fall, we're awaiting the Court's anticipated spring or summer decision. In the meantime, Moms and Students Demand Action volunteers and survivors across the country are working to make sure every American knows what's at stake in this decision.
In addition to Rahimi, in 2024 we're expecting court rulings that could impact access to deadly bump stocks (Garland v. Cargill), public access to crime gun data (Baltimore v. ATF), and other critical gun safety issues.
We'll be ready to keep fighting to put our safety above the interests of the gun lobby, no matter what.
Gun Industry Accountability
We continued to hold the gun industry accountable in the court of law and the court of public opinion in 2023, with Students Demand Action volunteers leading the way.
Students called on Sturm Ruger and Smith & Wesson—two of the nation's largest gun manufacturers—to improve their practices. And when Smith & Wesson moved their headquarters to Tennessee, students showed up and sent them a message: you're not welcome here.
From confronting industry executives at their annual trade show to organizing divestment campaigns on college campuses across the country, our young leaders continually remind the gun industry that there is a human cost to their greed—and we refuse to pay the price with our lives.
In 2024, we'll continue to call out bad actors in the gun industry for their complicity in this deadly crisis. Our movement will break this cycle of gun violence they created.
Secure Storage
States with secure storage or child-access prevention laws have the lowest rates of unintentional child shootings. And now, more than 8.5 million students nationwide attend schools with secure firearm storage policies: more than ever before.
These policies were hard-won by our volunteers—the result of thousands of signature petitions, town council meetings, and letters to the editor demanding local governments do their part to keep our kids safe.
So in addition to our critical local advocacy, our volunteers are gearing up for big secure storage fights in state legislatures this year. We have a critical responsibility to make sure guns are kept out of reach from our kids—and we're making sure gun owners understand that responsibility one conversation at a time.
Every bit of this work is made possible by you: this powerful movement of supporters, volunteers, survivors, and activists. That's why we need to hear from you!
Thank you for your commitment to building a future free from gun violence—we can't do this without you.
Looking forward to a big year ahead,
Monisha Henley
Senior Vice President, Government Affairs
Everytown for Gun Safety