How To Deal With Your Past


When past experiences are put into words, it changes how they are represented in the brain. They move from the areas associated with stressful emotions demanding constant physical readiness, to the areas associated with detailed comprehension and understanding.

The careful articulation of the experiences gives you a clear lens to view the memories through. It decreases the misery, threat, and uncertainty attached to them.

We created the Self Authoring programs to proactively deal with the past and enable a brighter future. Here’s what is included in the Self Authoring suite:

1. The Past Authoring Program will rectify any memories or experiences that are still within you that hold you back.

2. The Present Authoring Program allows you to improve your current situation.

3. The Future Authoring Program will provide you with a map to and a goal to aim towards to plan your journey.

You have 3 days left to take advantage of the New Year's sale for the Self Authoring program. This will be the last opportunity to claim the tool at it's discounted price of $19.95.

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Get Started With The Self Authoring Program

Kind Regards, 

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson

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