John -- 

Our leadership team just told us they scheduled a conference call on Monday to discuss our strategy and priorities for the coming weeks and months, and with the COVID-19 outbreak complicating things, it’s really important they have your input. 

Nothing would make us happier, especially this week, to buy each of our supporters a cold beer or a cup of coffee and listen to your thoughts and ideas on how we can Flip the Senate in November. 

That’s not possible, for a variety of reasons — but we still want to collect your feedback before Monday’s call. So, we’ve put together a quick survey to give you a chance to sound-off and let us know how you’re doing: 

John, take our one-minute survey to let Flip the Senate’s leadership team know what you think we should be doing to take back our government in November. Only a small number of Democrats have been selected to take this survey. Sound-off here:

Grassroots Democrats like you are the reason we’re in such a strong position to flip the Senate in November, which is why your feedback and support are so important to our team. Thanks for signing up and for taking our survey.

— Flip the Senate

take our survey