2024 is here, and the countdown till November 5th is on. The stakes are high.
The consequences of more Democratic control loom large. How did we get here?
Democrats led our country at full speed to the brink of ruin.
And do they change course? No. They defend, double, and triple down on the
very policies that led us here.
I've spent my time in the Senate fighting for the interests of the hardworking
people of Missouri- and that's upset some of the entrenched swamp creatures
hell-bent on consolidating power for themselves.
Democrats are threatened by my unshakable conservative principles, and my
refusal to fall in line has angered the establishment Republicans who for years
have expanded the size of government and sold out the middle class to China.
In this year, you will see left-wing radicals attack me, and moderate
Republicans watch from the sidelines with quiet approval.
President Joe Biden called on me to be 'flat beaten’ for a reason.
Which side are you on? Are you a sideline Republican, or an in-the-fight
conservative? There’s too much at stake just to watch America meander down the
path toward destruction.
I’m in the fight, but I can’t do it alone. Will you join with me as we fight
for a more conservative country? A place where we can raise our families in
peace and prosperity? If so, contribute below, or consider becoming a monthly
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In Liberty,
Josh Hawley
Paid for by Josh Hawley Victory Committee
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