We're still missing one very important voice, friend: yours!
Marcy Kaptur for Congress

Friend, did you see Marcy's email?

We're strategizing for this crucial election year, and we need your input to help shape our 2024 priorities.

Will you take two minutes to reply to this email with the issues that matter most to you and your family? It would mean a lot to Marcy to hear from you!

Thank you for being with us, friend.
— Team Kaptur

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Marcy Kaptur <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, Jan 8, 2024
Subject: Hoping to hear from you
To: [email protected]


It's the honor of my life to go to work every day for the community where I grew up. My constituents aren't just constituents — they're neighbors and old friends, family members, and former classmates.

So when I say that your opinion matters to me, I mean it. Making your voice heard in Congress is the purpose of my work.

Right now, my team and I are making plans for this critical election year, and we need your input to guide our work.

What are the most important issues you'd like to see us focus on in 2024? Reply to this email to let me know!

My team and I will read every response, and your opinion will shape our priorities for the year ahead. Thanks for being part of this movement, friend.

— Marcy


Marcy Kaptur is the longest-serving woman in Congress. But right now Republicans are trying everything to steal this seat from her. Winning seats like this will be key for Democrats to hold onto our slim majority in Congress.

Can you donate now to help Democrat Marcy Kaptur win in one of the most competitive races in the whole country?

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Email is a critical way to stay in touch with our supporters, but if you wish to unsubscribe, you may do so here.
Kaptur for Congress
PO Box 899
Toledo, OH 43697
United States