Community leader asks President Biden to stop his deportation, plus people receive crucial support for their cases.
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January 10, 2024


Harlem community leader requests emergency presidential pardon to halt deportation

Beloved Harlem community leader and NIJC client Robert Panton filed a request for an emergency presidential pardon to halt his imminent and unjust deportation. Despite major positive contributions to his community as a youth mentor and spending over 50 years in the U.S., U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) plans to deport him. Learn more about Robert's pardon request.

Watch Robert’s interview with Fox 5 New York where he discusses asking President Biden for a Presidential pardon to stop his deportation and allow him to continue his life and work in his community and home.

Sign the petition to stop Robert's deportation
and join the more than 1,000 other people who have already signed!


Supreme Court considers unjust visa denial case

NIJC client Luis Acensio Cordero filed a lawsuit together with his wife, LA civil rights attorney Sandra Munoz, after being denied a visa because of his tattoos.

The couple won at the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals but the U.S. government is challenging the decision to the Supreme Court. If the Supreme Court takes up the case, it would likely set a major precedent for future similar cases.

When speaking about the case in an interview with the Los Angeles Times, NIJC Policy Director Heidi Altman said that it shows how President Biden is backtracking on his promises on immigration.

Read the full article in the LA Times.


Chicago legal community continues to help newly arriving migrants

As people come to Chicago, our legal community is stepping up in big ways to give people access to vital legal aid.

In an interview with Chicago Sun-Times, NIJC's Lisa Koop and JuanCamilo Parrado spoke about the increasing need for legal aid and federal assistance in a system that's under pressure. NIJC pro bono attorneys Wade A. Thomson of Jenner & Block LLP and Kimball Anderson of Winston & Strawn LLP also addressed the need for updating the immigration system.

“We’re seeing the immigration system buckle, just a system that’s overwhelmed,” Koop said. “We’re getting clients who are not scheduled for court until 2026. The city of Chicago, the state of Illinois has really innovated and worked hard trying to welcome people and honor their dignity. But without a broader federal plan it is really tough sledding.”

Read the full article here.


Survivors of crimes sue government for delays in visa applications 

NIJC, Winston & Strawn LLP, and the Michigan Immigrant Rights Center filed a lawsuit against the U.S. government on behalf of survivors of serious crimes who have suffered years-long delays for an initial review of their U visa applications and live in fear of deportation.

“Not only have these delays trapped the plaintiffs in limbo, without the ability to find lawful employment or plan for their long-term futures in the United States, they also have undermined an important tool for law enforcement agencies across the country seeking to build trust with immigrant communities,” said Mark Fleming, NIJC associate director of litigation.

Read more about our lawsuit.


Workshop helps recent migrants apply for asylum

Winston & Strawn LLP partnered with NIJC in our latest workshop to help nine people who newly arrived in Chicago from the border prepare their asylum applications and start a new, safe life in the United States. 


Last legal clinic of the year assists aspiring U.S. citizens

Lawyers from DLA Piper and Accenture contributed their pro bono services at our biggest citizenship clinic yet and our last legal clinic of 2023. We're immensely grateful for their dedication and the positive impact they've had on the community.


NIJC pro bono program helps asylees in next step in immigration journey

In 2023, NIJC’s Post Asylee Refugee Benefits (PARB) team and pro bono partners hosted nine clinics where attorneys represented 111 individuals from 57 different countries! NIJC's Post Asylee Refugee Benefits (PARB) pro bono program facilitates a crucial step for asylees and refugees on their journey towards legal stability in the United States. Through the program, pro bono attorneys help reunite families and guide clients through the next step in their legal journey. For many people who previously struggled with instability and insecurity this is a vital step on the path to naturalization or citizenship.


Thank you for your tremendous support to close out 2023!

We extend our deepest gratitude for your unwavering support and dedication to protecting immigrants’ rights. Thanks to you, we nearly reached of our ambitious year-end goal! Your support provides critical legal services, guides newcomers through a complex and unjust system, reunites families, and protects people against deportation. Your support has brought hope to thousands of immigrants, refugees, and people seeking asylum, making a tangible difference in their lives. And there is still time to give - plus, your donation will be matched! As we enter the new year, we are grateful to have you as a key member of our community and anticipate a brighter 2024 together! 


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