Washington - March 19, 2020 — In response to the emergence of new threats to democracy associated with the global coronavirus pandemic, Freedom House issued the following statement:
“In recent weeks, we have observed a number of concerning signs that authoritarian regimes are using Covid-19 as a pretext to suppress independent speech, increase surveillance, and otherwise restrict fundamental rights, going beyond what is justified by public health needs,” said Michael J. Abramowitz, president of Freedom House. “Some regimes have also resorted to such measures to cover up their mismanagement of the contagion, putting the public in greater danger. But even democracies are at risk of disregarding their core principles as they struggle to combat the outbreak, which could have lasting consequences after the crisis is over,” he added.
Now more than ever, the world needs the benefits of democratic governance, including a free press, open and inclusive policy debates, and good-faith cooperation among elected officials at home and abroad to effectively address this global health crisis,” Abramowitz said. “Freedom House will remain vigilant for any politically motivated repression in the weeks and months to come, and we call on all those who support democracy to do the same.”