Dear Friend,
Martin Luther King Jr. said that the desegregation of the American South was the political externalization of the civil rights movement, but the ultimate goal was the establishment of the beloved community. King called for “external changes in our circumstances” as well as “internal shifts in our souls.” There are times when political changes are necessary, but such political changes are not permanent until there is a change in our hearts.
King’s point is as relevant today as it was during the time of segregation. We will be a violent society until we decide to be a nonviolent one. Until we end the violence in our thoughts, our hearts, and our speech, we will continue to deal with violence on our streets. We must deal not only with symptoms, but with the root causes of our problems. A fundamental change of heart is the medicine that will ultimately heal us.
Our campaign represents a whole person transformational vision as opposed to the mechanistic, transactional politics of establishment thinking. Albert Einstein said we would not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. Today we need a 21st century thinker as President in order to solve problems created by 20th century thinking. Our vision both motivates and inspires people, providing Americans with the possibility of fundamental change. The video below reflects the enthusiasm we’ve encountered on the campaign trail. I want you to see it so that you can experience it for yourself.