We’re going to start including a few quick things at the top of these long update emails that you might be able to do, help with, or sign up for.

Dear John,

It’s not easy to settle into new routines so suddenly, with so much uncertainty about what is happening now and what the next few weeks or months will bring. 

Join me and fellow neighbors on Friday at 12 PM for a community check-in call via video conference. We will talk about what we are doing together, what challenges we are facing, and how we can support each other. (You can also give me feedback on what you’d like to see in these update emails). Register here.

Action Steps/Some things you can do:

We’re going to start including a few quick things at the top of these long update emails that you might be able to do, help with, or sign up for. These aren’t necessarily the most important things of the day (although in this case, the first one probably is), and we’ll keep including lots of updates and information below. 

Here’s what we know about what is happening in New York:

Testing: As testing and our own anxiety are ramping up, it is understandable that many people want to get tested. The reality is, at this point most people will be exposed to the virus, and we should all be social distancing as if we were. If you have symptoms, call your doctor and get the care you need, but please don’t rush out to get tested where you might spread the virus. Our healthcare system is overwhelmed right now, supplies and staff and space are all dangerously limited, and doctors and nurses are pleading with us to stay home if we safely can.    

Seeking help:

Here are some grassroots networks that are setting up ways to help. We haven’t looked into all of them, but you can use your judgement on what makes sense for you to participate in:

Invisible Hands Deliver is doing no-contact delivery of food and flyering neighborhoods. Here is a crowdsourced document listing many mutual aid efforts and resources across various neighborhoods in NYC, and here is another crowdsourced document with local Brooklyn volunteer opportunities. To join the Kensington Mutual Aid Network, click here.

We are continuing to update our resources page here on a regular basis. 

Stay home, stay safe, take care of yourselves and each other. 



Lander for NYC
456 Fifth Avenue, 3rd Floor, Suite 2
Brooklyn, NY 11215
[email protected]



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