End the horror at Pittsburgh University! Demand a stop to the gruesome practice of harvesting organs from live fetuses for nightmarish experiments. Petition the HHS Inspector General for an immediate, thorough investigation into Pitt's research department and affiliated clinics. Stop exploitation and extermination, executed in the name of "Science!" Stand for human diginity. Sign NOW! SIGN THE PETITION |
Dear John,
When you think of Pittsburgh, what springs to mind? Steel? Sports? How about unthinkable acts of barbarity in the name of "research"? Pittsburgh University, a supposed beacon of knowledge and progress, is embroiled in the most despicable, government-funded experiments on late-term aborted babies. Shocking emails obtained by Judicial Watch and the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) have exposed a chilling reality. Under the guise of science and in the name of “saving lives,” human life is being reduced to a mere commodity.
Lives are being taken en masse in the most horrific laboratory experiments, justified as part of medical “progress.” Organs and tissues are being harvested from born-alive, late-term abortion babies for use in the university's research department.
Join us in demanding that Pittsburgh University halt these barbaric practices and hold those responsible accountable.
Yes, you read that right. Pitt has been conducting government-funded experiments, purposefully keeping infants alive in order to harvest the body parts of late-term babies. But the horror doesn't stop there. Pitt's research department and affiliated medical clinics have been hitting racial quotas in their organ and tissue harvesting.
Yes, even in their gruesome acts, they've found a way to discriminate. Images of downy plumes of infant's hair growing on the backs of rats have been released, hopefully, shocking all of us into understanding the gruesome reality of late-term abortion harvesting machines.
It's a heart-wrenching revelation that is sends a shutter down the spine.
Demand a thorough investigation by the HHS Inspector General into these crimes at Pitt, and help us bring an end to these monstrous practices.
The evidence is clear. Late-term babies are being kept alive, only for their organs and tissues to be harvested while they're still breathing.
This is not just an attack on the sanctity of life - it's a systematic, racially skewed violation of human dignity. Abortion quotas, specifically set for scientific research, are another level of barbarity. Yet, this is the reality at Pitt.
The people who should be safeguarding life exploit it for their own ends. It's time to hold them accountable. As a society, we are each responsible. Now that we know what is happening, we cannot turn away. Your signature lets those in power know we see what they are doing and that it must stop. Imagine a world where these crimes continue unchecked. Late-term abortion, infanticide, and the harvesting of infants' body parts for dark-age-style experiments persist.
It's a nightmare scenario reminiscent of the worst crimes in human history. But it doesn't have to be this way. If we win this fight, these atrocities will be acknowledged, and justice will be served.
The systematic slaughter of infants will end, and the sanctity of human life will be defended and protected from exploitation.
You might be wondering, "Can we actually make a difference?" The answer is a resounding "Yes." We are adding to the growing pressure to stop these acts of atrocity.
Demand a full investigation into these horrendous crimes. Thank you for standing with us, Anna Derbyshire and the entire CitizenGO Team P.S. Once you've signed, please share our petition far and wide. The more people who know about this, the stronger we stand.