These are unprecedented times we are living in, so I wanted to check in with you. In the midst of this crisis, it is critical that we all stick together and do what we can to stay safe.
Please make sure you are taking care of yourself and your loved ones during this public health emergency. It's important that we all take social distancing seriously. You put yourself and others at risk if you don't. Call your friends, family, and neighbors – particularly the elderly and those with health conditions. Check in on how they’re doing and if they need help.
I’ve come to find that moments like these are when we see the very best of people. The people of Massachusetts are kind, empathetic, and selfless. Let’s come together to support one another.
I also want you to know that you’re not alone in this. You can rest assured that the People’s Law Firm – the Attorney General’s Office – is here for you. Our employees are working remotely, but we will never stop working for the people we serve. I’ve included several important resources below to help answer any questions you have as we navigate this new reality.
1. Earned Sick Time. Most workers are entitled to up to 40 hours of sick time per year. Massachusetts workers must earn at least one hour of sick leave for every 30 hours worked. If your employer is violating the law, call our fair labor hotline at 617-727-3465 or file a complaint online here: [link removed]. More information can be found here, including multilingual options: [link removed]-. You can also read our new Fair Labor Division FAQs for employee rights and employer obligations during the COVID-19 public health emergency here: [link removed]
2. Scams. Bad actors are attempting to exploit this crisis for their own monetary gain. We’re not going to let them. Be on the lookout for high-priced or low-quality products, Coronavirus scams, false or misleading information, and fraudulent charities. Please report scams immediately by calling our consumer hotline at (617) 727-8400 our filing a complaint here: [link removed].
3. Health Care. The Massachusetts Health Connector opened a special enrollment period until April 25th for uninsured residents to sign up for health care coverage. Learn more here. You can also get your health care questions answered by the AG’s Health Care Division here: [link removed]
4. Immigrant Rights. The Trump Administration recently clarified that accessing COVID-19 testing and treatment will not make an immigrant a “public charge.” The full notice can be read here: [link removed]. I will continue to fight for the complete withdrawal of the rule.
You can find more information on the office’s newly launched Coronavirus Resources hub: [link removed]
The office will be updating this page as the situation develops. We are here for you. We will get through this together. Be safe and stay vigilant.
The Maura Healey Committee
PO Box 15
Boston MA 02137 United States
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