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Dear John,

Illegals are everywhere! 

They are in my town, and probably in your town too. If they aren't now, they will be soon. And with the illegals comes increased crime, prostitution - and disease.

Yes, I've seen reports that the police officers from stations where the illegals have been housed are taking home diseases to their families. And diseases never been seen here in the Americas have been found among children! That will lead to an infectious disease crisis - along with all the other problems that the illegals bring.

We must secure the border! It is of utmost importance to the security of our people and our nation. Sean Casten is complicit on the issue. He has voted against HR 2, which would secure the border, and is working against the American people. 

It is time for change - our kind of change. If you don't like what is happening, the only way to end the craziness is to change who you send to WDC. It's time to vote Republican and pass policies that protect the American people. 

When I am in Congress, I will work with your best interests at the forefront. Please consider making a contribution to my campaign to help me beat the radical democrat.

Can you donate $25 today? 

Your support is greatly appreciated. 
Stay strong! 
Thank you,

Niki Conforti
Illinois 6th Congressional District
PS: Follow my campaign on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!
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