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Tonight on Unsolved Mysteries, Why Can't the FBI Find the J6 Pipe Bomber?

Matt Vespa

Our Incompetent Elite Is Opening Up America to Attack

Kurt Schlichter

If Trump Didn’t Exist, Democrats Would Have to Invent Him

Derek Hunter

Even Democrats Don’t Respect Joe Biden

Derek Hunter

Degenerates ‘Saving’ Democracy?

Kevin McCullough

Year End Journalism Mayhem Recognition: The Townhall Heckler Awards – Individual Trophy Winners Pt. 2

Brad Slager

The FBI’s Real Insider Threat

John Nantz

The Silent Death by a Thousand Cuts in Manufacturing

Salena Zito

Watch for These Biden Rules to Be Finalized in 2024

Gabriella Hoffman

Why Didn't Nikki Haley Answer Questions on Lloyd Austin or Liz Cheney?

Rebecca Downs

A Tragically Common Narrative: Iowa Trans Shooter Was Known to Authorities

Rebecca Downs

It's Looking Increasingly Likely the House Will Impeach DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas

Rebecca Downs

'Unauthorized Vehicle' Crashes Into White House

Matt Vespa

Democrats Looking for Trump to Be Kicked Off the Ballot Are in for a Rude Awakening

Rebecca Downs

And That's Why Florida State Wasn't Included in the College Football Playoff

Matt Vespa

What 'Accountability'? Lloyd Austin’s Job Is Just Fine

Rebecca Downs

The Evil of Two Lessers

Cal Thomas

Blue States Just Can't Stop Taxing

Stephen Moore

Three Crucial Words for Our Constitutional Republic

Allen West

The Ant Colony in the Dike

Mark Lewis

A Quick Bible Study Vol. 199: What the Bible Says About Obedience

Myra Kahn Adams

Speaker Johnson Is Right, Free Market Should Set Drug Prices, Not Government

Jeff Crouere

Why 2024 Will Be the Year of the Illegal Alien

William Davis

Next Presidential Debate: Americans Know Better

Shea Bradley-Farrell

The Harvard Grift

Alan Joseph Bauer

You Bet Americans Can Defeat the Enemy’s 16-Point Demolition Plan in 2024

Scott Powell

Border Agents Stop Illegal Immigrant Convicted of Murder

Madeline Leesman

CNN Panel: Should Biden Go 'Full Hitler' on Trump?

Leah Barkoukis

Biden's Malarkey-Filled Speech in Charleston Did Not Go Well

Spencer Brown

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
Those New Zealand Gun Laws Are Clearly Working |
Illinois 'Assault Weapons' Registration Mandate Is Already in Shambles |
LaPierre's Resignation Doesn't Get NRA Out of Hot Water |
New Mexico 'Buyback' Includes Wrongheaded Thinking |
What Happens Next in California Carry Lawsuits |
Tragedy in Georgia After Child Mistakes Handgun for Airsoft |