Hello John

I hope you are keeping well. This is a very challenging and uncertain time for all of us, and I know how much you, as a CPAG supporter, care about children and families living in poverty. I want to share with you what we at CPAG are doing to support families.

For low-income families, self-isolation and school closures pose particular challenges. Struggling families having to stay at home with their children may face falling incomes and need more support. 

If your family has lost income or faced additional costs as a result of the pandemic and you'd like to help us publicise the problems families are facing please contact us through 
[email protected].

We are pushing the government to do more to increase family incomes through our social security system, including by making universal credit advances non-repayable and by increasing the amounts families get. Children's needs will not be any less and many families will struggle as a result of school closures. We've called for emergency support for children in the form of a £10 increase in child benefit to go some way towards meeting extra costs.​

You can find out more here

Thanks to your support, we can continue to give advice to frontline advisers throughout this period so they can carry on helping hard-up families. If you're an adviser you can find out more here.

I'm heartened to read about communities coming together to support each other and we're truly grateful to have you by our side.

On behalf of all of us at CPAG, we hope you and your family stay safe and well.

With warm wishes,


Lizzie Flew
Child Poverty Action Group


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Child Poverty Action Group is a charity registered in England and Wales (registration number 294841) and in Scotland (registration number SC039339). Company limited by guarantee registered in England (registration number 1993854). Registered office: 30 Micawber Street, London, N1 7TB. VAT no. 690 8081 17

