Building a successful movement starts in our communities. It starts by connecting with our neighbors and by defining shared values. Community building should be organic, but it also has to be intentional. That's why All On The Line is launching a book club series. We're encouraging members of this movement to intentionally gather with folks in their communities and dig into why fighting for fair maps is so necessary and important.
We're kicking off our book club series this month with
"Ratf**ked: Why Your Vote Doesn't Count" by journalist David Daley who lays out in great detail how Republicans manipulated maps across the nation during the 2011 redistricting process to lock in political power and how their grip on power since then has eroded our democracy. This book has helped to inform the work of our organization -- in fact, when someone joins the AOTL team, a teammate is quick to lend them a copy to read. And we think you and volunteers like you across the country should read it too!
Interested in hosting a book club meeting in your community? Sign up here to host one on August 29th.
After you sign up as a host, Mallory, our training director, will email you in the coming weeks with a toolkit with everything you need to know on how to host a successful organizing book club.
Hosting a book club with your friends and neighbors, and joining a discussion with fellow activists across the country helps build a strong foundation for this movement. Organizing is like a muscle -- we need to get into the right habits and strengthen our organizing power now before the redistricting process starts in 2021. That way, when we start hosting phone banks and organizing town hall events, we won't be starting from scratch. We'll already have teams across the country ready to fight for fair maps together!
If you're interested in hosting a local book club, register your event here and we'll send you details!
-- The AOTL Team
All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund.