From Alzheimer's Research and Prevention Foundation <>
Subject The Best Question Ever - and The Answer
Date January 8, 2024 2:05 PM
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Dear John, On Saturday, December 16, we had a one-hour webinar with amazing speakers on increasing your brain health span. It was very avant-garde. Our speakers discussed important ideas on personal well-being and purpose, easy things to do throughout your day to stay sharp, spiritual fitness for dementia prevention, and mind-body therapies for brain longevity. I loved the program and learned a thing or two, which is always good for your mind and memory. At the end of the program, there was time for chat and discussion. I usually find this a very profound time because people ask some really important questions. And so it was this time. One of our professional Brain Longevity® Specialists who has a toddler asked: With all the responsibilities I have, being a mom, a wife, taking care of things, and working, how can I also find time to do my yoga and meditation? That’s a very good question and has an exceedingly practical answer: Do it as soon as you get up. That means, even if you must get up a bit earlier. In yogic culture they call it sadhana (saa daa naa), which means “all blessings.” Therefore, someone who commits to rise in the morning while the earth’s vibration is still and calm and tunes into their spirit with yoga and meditation (or perhaps something else that resonates such as Bible-reading or prayers) enjoys a myriad of blessings in their life. Plus all the health benefits that we’ve been sharing for many years, from younger genes to reversal of memory loss. I know it works because when I was an anesthesiologist and had to be ready to go in the OR at 7 am, I would get up an hour earlier than usual to do my sadhana. I haven’t missed many days in the past 40 years or so, and I know it has helped me tremendously. I also know that Dr. Deepak Chopra does his sadhana because he once told me about it when I gave a presentation at The Chopra Center. So if you want an extraordinary resolution for the new year, here it is: Do your sadhana. You’ll be happier and more successful in all areas of your life. You’ll make other people happier too. Happy New Year wishes again from all of us at ARPF, the original voice of Alzheimer’s Prevention. Yours in Brain Health, Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D. President / Medical Director Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation (ARPF) Prevention Editor, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease PS: Stay tuned for our upcoming fantastic programs! DONATE ‌ ‌ ‌ Alzheimer's Research and Prevention Foundation | PO Box 30783, Tucson, AZ 85751-0783 Unsubscribe Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice Sent by powered by Try email marketing for free today!
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