January 2023
Heartfelt Thanks
De Corazón, Muchas Gracias 
No One Says It Better Than Young People and Their Families
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Thank you to everyone who invested in Identity youth and families during our Annual Appeal 2023. Together we will keep young people engaged in school, older youth engaged in work skills development and their parents equipped to help them. And like family, we will celebrate their victories and offer help when something extra is needed.


Donations of new and gently used coats poured in this holiday season for Identity families who needed something extra to keep warm, especially newcomers who arrived this winter with only the clothes on their backs. Identity Board Chair Sarah Whitesell and Rev. Anne Derse organized the St. Johns of Norwood Coat Drive.  Board member Tal Widdes organized her Women’s Torah Study Group Coat Drive, and Coach and Director Aaron Gamble (far right) organized the OneLife Bethesda’s Pickleball Community Coat Drive.  These acts of kindness send a powerful message of care and concern.


Thanks to Neighbors Rising for making the holidays so festive. Our Youth Opportunity Center clients and their families were once again treated to a traditional Thanksgiving Dinner by Neighbors Rising, a group of neighbors who have been welcoming and assisting Identity youth for seven years.  Food, friends and a game or two of musical chairs made it a Thanksgiving to remember.


There is nothing sweeter than kids sharing with kids, and this holiday season 
students at Pyle Middle School gathered and packed 1,000 bags of snacks, decorating the bags with encouraging notes for fellow middle-schoolers.  And youth and families from B'nai Israel Congregation decorated and packed 100 bags of snacks, which our elementary schoolers will enjoy in the new year. Thank you to all the kids helping kids!


We are so thankful to NBC4/Telemundo Food 4 Families,  for donating 50 turkeys to make holiday meals possible for families from the Wellness Centers. Click the image to see Telemundo’s feature.
This truly lightened the load for our families who otherwise might not have been able to afford a tasty and bountiful meal during the holidays.


Thank you to Neighbors Rising for coming together to purchase 540 books for young readers in our 21st Century Community Learning Centers at Harriet Tubman and Whetstone Elementary Schools.  You are spreading the love of reading with 2nd and 3rd graders as we work with them to reach their full potential and read on grade level and beyond!



Thanks to a generous donor, Identity youth will be well-equipped to play indoor soccer games this winter with special indoor shoes and balls.  Eighteen players from Gaithersburg and Seneca Valley High School received the new shoes, many of them will be playing with proper equipment for the first time this season.
Happy, Healthy New Year from all of us at Identity!
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