Dear John 

  • Our office is planning a job and volunteer fair for high school students in March! If you are a local employer that will be looking to fill summer jobs, internships, or volunteer opportunities, fill out our interest form. Let us know if you have any questions or need support with the application.  

  • Our team is currently searching for a new office in our updated district lines! For the time being, we are unable to offer in-person appointments with extremely limited exceptions. If you need assistance, call us at (718) 499-1090 or send us an email at [email protected].  

New Year, New Council

Our City Council kicked off the start of a new term this week! While the typical Council term lasts four years, once a decade, redistricting (check out our new district lines) has shortened my first and second terms to two years. On Wednesday of this week, we met as a full Council for our first Stated Meeting of the year (known as the Charter meeting) to reelect the Speaker and begin official business. All of the legislation I introduced during my first term will be reintroduced over the next few Council meetings, along with a few other bills I’ve been working on. We should also be getting our committee assignments soon, and I’ll be sure to update everyone with any exciting changes!

I’m excited to keep building on the successes of my first term. While we accomplished so much during my first two years in office, we still need to realize the antiracist feminist city I know we’re all fighting for. In City Hall, I’ll continue to fight for transformative legislation like paid sick leave for gig workers, block the Mayor's cruel 30/60-day rules, and mandate our City’s first public awareness campaign against antisemitism. At home in District 39, I’m prioritizing visiting our schools, being present in new parts of our district, and continuing to deliver high-quality services to all of our neighbors. More to come soon!

A Small Correction

Last year, we provided some information on services for older adults in our area! We’re not above making mistakes, and when we let you know about our friends at Good Neighbors of Park Slope, we were using some outdated information that was left floating around online. Check out the updated description below.

Good Neighbors of Park Slope

Serving older neighbors for almost a decade now, Good Neighbors of Park Slope is a volunteer-run organization that helps seniors age in place. Good Neighbors offers social activities aimed at helping older adults build community with other seniors! They offer various social and cultural activities that allow individuals to expand their networks and support systems. They also advocate for issues affecting the senior community. We are grateful for their partnership with our office.

Community Bulletin

  • Greenwood Cemetery is proud to announce its 6th annual trades training program! If you’re interested in getting real experience with masonry, restoration, or construction, sign up for their next virtual training session on 1/14 at 10 AM. This is a great program for young people who want to work with their hands, all while earning a living wage.

  • The Brooklyn Children's Museum is hosting another class for its Teen Curators Program! This nine-week engagement allows teens to explore the legacies of power embedded in museum histories and to imagine new ways of relating to, engaging with, and telling stories through objects. Teens receive a stipend of $750, and applications for the spring program are open from 1/16 – 2/4!

  • Rat Academy is hosting another virtual session on 1/25 at 10 AM! Sign up to learn rat prevention skills and get more information about available City resources to help you combat rodents.

  • The application for Open Streets is now officially open! Check out the application and eligibility requirements here, and be sure to get your application in before 1/31.

  • If you were affected by flooding this past September, you can now apply for low-interest disaster loans from the US Small Business Administration. These loans are made available for those whose homes and/or businesses were damaged due to flooding. The filing deadline to submit applications is 2/2 for physical damage and 9/4 for economic injury.

  • CHiPS needs Spanish-speaking volunteers to greet guests, help them register for their pantry program, both on-site and at mobile locations, as well as distribute meals. Shifts are three hours long and take place Monday-Saturday, starting at 9 AM, 11 AM, and 12 PM. A few hours a week can make a huge difference! If you are interested and speak Spanish, can commit to at least one shift a week, and don’t mind working outside, please get in touch with [email protected].

  • NYC Parks is excited to announce its recruitment drive for lifeguards for their 2024 beach and pool season! Parks is looking for dedicated, mission-driven individuals to play a critical role in keeping a close watch on our pools and beaches, making summer happen for millions of New Yorkers. More information about requirements and how to apply is available on the Parks website.

  • The City’s Department of Small Business Services has regular events to help local small businesses connect to important services throughout our City. Check out their event page to see if one could help your business!  

In Solidarity,
