I am humbly asking you to chip in to my campaign today to help me replace Lauren Boebert in Congress.



That’s the amount I am humbly asking you to chip in to my campaign today to help me replace Lauren Boebert in Congress. Yes, just $5.

$5 because in 2022, I lost to Lauren Boebert by just 546 votes.

$5 because I’m running again, but our race was the closest race in the entire country.

$5 because all the pundits say that this time, we absolutely can win.

And $5 because the Super PAC allies are already attacking me, and I need your help to counter their lies if we’re going to win.

I know $5 might not seem like much, but together with tens of thousands of other grassroots donors like you, we out-raised Lauren Boebert and her corporate PAC supporters. We cannot stop here or let up.

We’ve set a goal to raise another $50,000 before our first fundraising deadline of 2024, but right now, we are still short.

Please, can I count on you to chip in $5 or more right now – before my first critical fundraising deadline – to help me finally replace Lauren Boebert in Congress and restore some sanity to Washington?

Please use the links in this email to start a monthly donation through ActBlue:

It means the world to know I have the support of people like you on this journey again.

Thank you so much in advance.

With gratitude -