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Christians and Jews Are Now
in the Crosshairs

Dear Reader,

It’s happening again — exactly what we’ve been warning you about since last April.

Do you remember?

Bill Maher shouting “death to religion” on national TV . . .

Monuments in Washington being whitewashed of God and prayer . . .

Religious crosses confiscated . . .

Lenten ashes on the foreheads of children in our schools being scrubbed off . . .

Prayer in school being ruled unconstitutional overnight.

Whether you do or don’t remember any of the above, please . . . keep reading.

If you’re a person of faith, this directly impacts you, your family, friends, and loved ones — and it’s terrifying.

Every day the writing on the wall becomes clearer.

Look at this . . .

Just recently, a gunman walked into the West Freeway Church of Christ in White Settlement, Texas, and opened fire.

Innocent Christians gathered in prayer, brutally attacked. Two killed.

Days later in New York City, another violent attack, this time against Jews — this just weeks after an attack on Jews in New Jersey. Three people and a police officer were fatally shot at a Jewish grocery store.

No, evil didn’t stop there . . .

During a Hanukkah celebration at a rabbi’s home in Monsey, New York, five people were stabbed.

A Brooklyn man traveled more than an hour to a community of religious Jews.

He then randomly selected a home, entered it . . . and began a brutal attack.

This is serious stuff.

Listen . . .

Without a doubt we know there is a growing hatred in our nation toward Jews and Christians.

But why?

In his bestselling book, Dark Agenda, David Horowitz laid it all
out . . .

The New York Times bestselling author detailed where it all started and with whom.

David Horowitz is Jewish. He planned to write a book about a possible coming persecution against Christians.

But then he discovered it has already started!

Dark Agenda, coming from such a respected author, rocked the media and political world.

Tucker Carlson said he could not put the book down.

Mike Huckabee has urged every Christian to get and read this book.

And Glenn Beck said it revealed a “dangerous” situation we all face.

Horowitz uncovered the roots of this hateful, deadly movement and put it all in his new book, Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America.

What’s occurring is so serious, we held a closed-door meeting in our offices at Newsmax. We unanimously decided we’re giving you this book for FREE.

Look, there’s no other way to say this . . .

If you’re a Christian or Jew or a faithful follower of God, you must read this book.

Folks, this is religious intolerance fueled by the left for 60 years. A deep-seated animosity inciting vicious hate crimes and gaining momentum fast. Just look at this . . .

The day after New Year’s, this headline appeared on NBC:

Anti-Semitism Grows in Jewish Communities in NYC Suburbs

Remember the Guardian Angels?

They’ve been placed on high alert, patrolling Jewish neighborhoods.

Anti-Semitism is growing along with a hatred for Christians. And it’s terrifying.

This is all part of the plan set in motion decades ago to rid God from public life.

Please, read this book. Remember, it’s FREE, compliments of Newsmax.

We’re completely wiping out the retail price of $26.99. Yep . . . we’re eating the cost so you can read this book. It’s THAT important to saving Christianity and Judaism — to saving freedom of religion.

In Dark Agenda, you’ll discover the plan that was set in place decades ago . . . and the series of events that have unfolded, allowing the plan to take hold.

Horowitz names names — Obama, Hillary, and the big media pushing this secular agenda.

You’ll discover who was responsible . . . how the Supreme Court failed Christian America . . . why school administrators are brainwashing our kids . . . and the names of those carrying out the plan in Washington today.

When you’re done reading Dark Agenda, you’ll understand the deep divide in America.

This is critical as we roll into election year.

As Horowitz explains, President Trump is at the very epicenter of this battle between the forces of good and evil right here in America.

We must fight back, or our children and generations to come will live in fear of expressing their faith.

Your Friends at Newsmax

P.S. Hurry! Claim your FREE BOOK before we run out of copies. It’s been flying out the door and off our shelves. Dark Agenda has been hailed by Mike Huckabee, Tom Coburn, Rush Limbaugh, and Tucker Carlson, who insists, “Read this disturbing but vital book.” 

P.P.S. Remember, Newsmax is giving you Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America absolutely FREE. You can’t get this $26.99 book for FREE anywhere else except from Newsmax — or a friend willing to give you their copy! Click here. represents the majority interested in protecting truth, justice, and the American way. We are the mortal enemy of misinformation, extremes, corruption, fake news, racial division, environmental assaults and the disarmament of Americans. curates, summarizes and fact checks the day's hottest news and views giving people a source of real American news that's easier to trust.

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