Charge Israel with Genocide!
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Charge Israel with Genocide!

Dear John,

With a hearing for South Africa’s case against Israel’s crime of genocide scheduled for next week, we are reaching out to other countries to join in support. A Codepink delegation led by China is Not Our Enemy members Linda and Atticus visited Lebanon’s consulate to thank them for speaking against the genocide Israel is committing and encourage them to take their words into action by joining South Africa’s case. We must keep the momentum up. 

Charge Israel with genocide at the International Court of Justice!

But the State Department’s current leadership is snubbing opportunities for diplomacy that leads to peace and justice. From complicity in Israel’s campaign of ethnic cleansing to bombing Iraq, American diplomats are undermining the efforts of countries like South Africa to strive for peaceful resolutions. Instead of seeking common ground with the majority of the world’s countries, they are deepening conflict in Asia. Kurt Campbell, Biden’s nominee for Deputy Secretary of State, is especially out of step with the moment. 

During his first Senate nomination hearing, Campbell said he would not put conditions on arming Israel at this time, despite clear evidence that the crime of genocide is being perpetrated by Israeli forces. 

Campbell’s hawkish remarks during his hearing also extended to the African continent, where he acknowledged U.S. policies there are being contested but that we must work “on critical minerals more directly.” 

Since 2007 with the launch of the United States Africa Command or AFRICOM, State Department officials have abandoned any pretense of a diplomatic approach to Africa and instead backed agreements to secure resources and train militaries across the continent. 

Don’t let another war-monger in the State Department!

When it comes to North Korea, Campbell is committed to the same failed American policies of militarizing the Korean peninsula. The history of the 1990s shows diplomacy works. North Korea began dismantling its nuclear power program when the U.S. agreed to assist with the country’s energy needs. 

However, during his hearing last month, Campbell admitted his focus is mainly on deterrence and bolstering the military alliance with South Korea, as if he was interviewing for a position at a weapons manufacturer.

There is no room for cooperation or dialogue with perceived or contrived adversaries. If Deputy Secretary of State, he’s indicated he will keep ramping up an arms race with China, exploit natural resources in countries like Papua New Guinea, and aid and abet the genocide targeting the people of Palestine. This is not what the U.S. #2 diplomat should be doing! So it’s up to concerned citizens to be deeply engaged if we want a path to peace.  Another world is necessary and possible. It is with our efforts we create the future.

Tell the Senate to reject Campbell’s nomination!

In Solidarity,

Cale, Jodie and the CODEPINK Team

PS -  By portraying China as an enemy, the news media continues to ramp up tensions in the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait while threatening the lives of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Disarming the Asia-Pacific can start by disarming the discourse. Use and share Disarm the Discourse toolkit to make sure truth doesn’t become a casualty of war.

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