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"No current Catholic or Anglican leader would come before this inquiry now and seriously try to maintain that clerical sex abuse scandals had never happened," says Richard Scorer, NSS vice president who is representing core participants in the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA).
Commission 'still considering its options' at getting back cash after Edward Cohen, 67, was jailed for nine years for laundering more than £10m through a Jewish charity.
New York's Chasidic communities have been accused of not taking the coronavirus pandemic seriously enough, with firefighters breaking up packed events across the city.
Religious gatherings, closely-knit faith groups and pilgrims have emerged as major spreaders of the coronavirus, transmitting the disease in ways that are proving difficult to trace and contain.
The overthrow of Omar al-Bashir's Islamist regime last April and the melting away of its morality police have led to an easing of onerous social constraints, allowing women to dress more freely and opening up more space for cultural activities.
National MP Amy Adams has been praised for her speech during the abortion law debate in which she called out intolerance from religious groups and urged church leaders to stop teaching "contraception is a sin".
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