Three years ago today, Americans
watched in horror as a violent mob stormed the Capitol. Our temple of
democracy was violated that day. World leaders were forced to take
cover as thousands of so-called “patriots” trashed offices, raised
confederate flags, assaulted police officers, and attempted to hang
the Vice President.
Since that day, the rioters
themselves have been held accountable for their actions. Prosecutions
are still ongoing. But the man who holds the majority of the blame for
what took place on that day is still free. In fact, at this moment in
time, he’s essentially a lock for the GOP presidential
Donald Trump will continue to deny
that he had any hand in the January 6th insurrection, but we know what
really happened. We watched the January 6th hearings. We watched
Donald sit in the White House as the riot went on for hours. We
watched the then president of the United States instruct thousands of
armed individuals to march down to the Capitol and fight.
To us, the most terrifying thing
about all of this isn’t the fact that a man who incited a violent
insurrection that killed 5 people remains untouched, it’s the fact
that a shocking amount of Americans have been brainwashed on the
subject. Look at what a new poll from The Washington Post shows:

If this many people are willing to
overlook hours of video evidence of an insurrection, imagine what else
they’re able to overlook. If a major news network is able to spin an
insurrection into an FBI conspiracy, imagine what else they can do.
This is what we’re up against. This is why our movement has to be
stronger than ever come November.
We can’t risk another January 6th.
Our democracy simply can’t survive it. Trump continues to say that
he’s coming back with a vengeance, and this time, he’ll have had 4
years to plan. Help
us make sure his plan never sees the light of
In 2024, we must keep Trump out of the White House. The
future of America depends on it.