Hi John, 



The current Coronavirus (Covid-19) situation is very worrying for many people in our community, and I'm writing to see if you can help in a small, local way. I've stopped any campaigning and am putting my time and resources into supporting our community.

I'm building a team of us who are willing to take responsibility for just a small section of their street, and coordinate a little bit of support for their neighbours if it's needed. The first step is to drop a letter (which we'll provide) to residents so they know who to contact if they need help, and have someone near them they can reach out to. I'm sure many of your neighbours will reply saying they're also happy to help.

Once those around you reply to the letter you can then set up groups in the way that best suits your street - it could be in a private group on Facebook, on WhatsApp, or just with a little note through the letter box from time to time. 

Some who feel vulnerable or are self-isolating are not able to go out shopping for basics like milk and bread, but many of us are willing to help out. This project is just about joining those dots, and helping those around us.

If we all do just a little bit, together we can make a HUGE difference.

If you can help, and are willing to drop a letter to a few houses near you and coordinate your local group of residents, please fill in this form, and we'll send you a draft letter ready to print and drop off, as well as share with you stories of what other people are doing and finding really helpful.

Finally, we are receiving new information about the virus every day with updates on how best to protect yourself. Check https://covid19.govt.nz/ for regular updates on how to protect yourself and reduce the spread.  

And if you or anyone you know are worried and need to talk to a trained counsellor, free call/text 1737.

Thanks for supporting our community, 

Tim Costley



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