
Mitch McConnell finally passed a second Coronavirus pandemic relief package out of the Senate this afternoon. The problem? He waited days to do it during a critical time when Americans across the country needed the Senate to be acting.

While Republicans were dragging their feet to return from an extended weekend and get to work on this crisis, kids around the country have missed out on school-provided meals while American families struggled to cope with supply shortages and job losses.

At this moment, every day counts. Every hour counts.

And Mitch was joined by his friend Rand Paul, Kentucky’s other obstructionist Senator, who delayed the Congressional coronavirus response by almost a full day for his self-serving political posturing. Rand held up his colleagues in the Senate by trying to force changes on totally unrelated issues to the bill late last night—and when the crucial relief package finally came up for a vote today, he joined with seven other Republicans and carelessly voted against it.

Can you rush a contribution to the Serve America Victory Fund so we can elect candidates in November who will step up and show real leadership in this trying time?

Amy McGrath is one of our endorsed candidates and she’s running to send Mitch McConnell off to retirement this November. We’re fighting everyday to help Ditch Mitch, but Rand has shown us we have a bit more work to do to oust Republicans from their Senate majority and make Congress functional again. That’s why we’re also supporting candidates like Mark Kelly, Cal Cunningham, James Mackler, and Mike Franken in their Senate races too.

Let’s remember that even though America is facing one of its darkest hours, our democracy will endure. Our elections will endure. And through our work together, we can change our leadership and get this country back on track.


Serve America