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Help us bring thousands from across the country to demand a ceasefire now!

Dear Email,

With the brutal mass murder of Palestinians in Gaza continuing unabated for 90 days, hundreds of organizations across the country are organizing buses for what is set to be one of the largest mobilizations for Palestine in U.S. history on Saturday, January 13th, in Washington DC. 

Organizing a demonstration worthy of the heroic people of Gaza and on a scale of this magnitude necessitates a large investment from all people outraged by the ongoing genocide. This is a pain we all carry. A wound that affects all of us and its a mission that unites us.

Your generous contributions have always played a vital role in our ability to organize and execute meaningful events, and once again, we are turning to you for support.

Here's how you can help make this protest a historic moment for Palestinian liberation:

1. Financial Contributions: Every dollar you contribute goes directly towards covering the costs associated with organizing a large-scale event, including permits, logistics, transportation, and security. Your financial support ensures that we can make the protest as impactful as possible.

2. Spread the Word: Share information about the protest on your social media platforms, email networks, and among friends and family. The more people we reach, the stronger our collective voice becomes. Use our official hashtag #March4Gaza to create a unified online presence.

3. Volunteer: If you're able to offer your time and skills, we welcome volunteers to assist with various aspects of the event. Whether it's helping with set-up, managing crowds, or distributing materials, your support on the ground is invaluable.

To make a donation, please visit our website here.

Your support is instrumental in helping us shake the core of the U.S. empire with this historic march. Together, we can make a difference and send a powerful message that resonates across the nation.

Thank you for your unwavering commitment to the cause of Palestine. We look forward to seeing you at the protest on January 13th and standing united in solidarity. We refuse to be intimated, deterred, or silenced. We will not rest until the genocide of the Palestinian people ends.


Dr. Osama Abu Irshaid
Executive Director, AMP


American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) is a grassroots nonprofit organization dedicated to engaging & educating Americans on Palestinian rights and the Israeli occupation. AMP is a premier national organization in the Palestine solidarity movement.


American Muslims for Palestine
6404 Seven Corners Place Ste N | Falls Church, Virginia 22044
703.534.3032 | [email protected]

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