Fellow Republicans, 


As we begin this new election year, I’m reminded of a question that Ronald Reagan asked Jimmy Carter back in 1980 - but the names are different: Are we better off since Biden and Pritzker took their oaths of office? 

They’ve gone to great lengths to convince us we are, but nobody believes them. In every corner of Illinois, our lives have become more difficult, more expensive, and more dangerous as a direct result of their radical left-wing policies. As we begin this new election year, Republicans here in the Land of Lincoln must highlight these failures, and offer common sense solutions to fix them. 

Inflation is high because the Democrats have spent billions of dollars that we do not have to satisfy their liberal special interests allies.  Republicans want to cut excessive government spending. Working families and seniors are having tough times making ends meet not only because of inflation, but because of a steady stream of tax increases. Republicans will cut those, too.  Our largest cities are seeing a spike in crime. That’s because Illinois Democrats repealed cash bail laws and leftist extremists want to defund the police.  Republicans will back the blue and reinstate prosecuting criminals. Illegal immigration is also a problem - particularly gang violence, illegal drugs, and human trafficking because there’s no one on our borders to stop over two hundred thousand illegal immigrants from entering the country monthly. Republicans will secure the border. 

In statewide news, Illinois became the 18th state to see a 14th Amendment challenge to former President Donald Trump getting on the 2024 ballot. Below is my statement to the media criticizing this Democrat filing. 


“The Illinois Republican Party is strictly neutral in the Republican presidential primary. We believe the people, not activist courts, should choose who represents them in the White House. This attempt to remove President Trump from the ballot without due process is an anti-democracy attempt to limit the voting rights of Illinois citizens and should be dismissed outright.”

To beat Biden and Pritzker Democrats, Republicans should pledge to Bank Your Vote. When Republicans vote early, we win. ‘Bank Your Vote’ will be instrumental in getting Republicans to vote early or by mail to Beat Biden and Pritzker and secure Republican victories up and down the ballot. To help raise funds and awareness on Bank Your Vote, our inaugural gala is just around the corner. 


We also look forward to seeing you at our inaugural Bank Your Vote gala. Tickets are selling quickly, get your tickets or tables before they run out. You can also support this event in several other ways: donating wine to our wine auction, purchasing an ad in our ad book, or by donating an item for our event auction!


Senator John Kennedy will be the keynote speaker at the gala, check out his highlight reel here. Senator John Kennedy has been a strong advocate for conservative principles in the U.S. Senate, most recently putting Illinois Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias on the defensive regarding pornography in books available in public school libraries accessible to children.


The "Bank Your Vote" Gala is the first of a new annual tradition promoting the importance of utilizing early in person voting, and vote by mail,  to increase Republican votes. Bank Your Vote initiative is a national effort led by the RNC aimed at increasing early voting and Republican turnout. Proceeds raised will go towards our Illinois Republican voter turnout efforts. 


I cannot thank you enough for your commitment to our party and to our conservative values for our state and nation! 

If you are interested in attending or sponsoring the Gala, please click HERE. You can also support this event in several other ways: donating wine to our wine auction, purchasing an ad in our ad book, or by donating an item for our event auction!

Efforts are under way for recruiting poll watchers and election judges, sign up today to ensure fair and transparent elections! Want to get involved or have us to do a training in your county? Please reach out to our Election Integrity Director at [email protected]

We also examined the voting records of all of the commissioned Republican election judges in the City of Chicago and in suburban Cook County. It is apparent that far too many Republican election judges actually have a history of voting in Democratic primaries. We simply must do a better job of filling our Republican election judge positions with actual Republicans. If we do not fill these positions, the Democrats will. I encourage any Republican who lives in Cook County to take the extra step in participating in the electoral process by becoming an election judge. We need you! Please contact CJ, our Election Integrity Director for more information. 

In case you have recently moved or just wish to check your registration status go to https://ova.elections.il.gov/RegistrationLookup.aspx to make sure that your voter registration is up to date ahead of the crucial 2024 election cycle.

To find out how you can help save Illinois, go to the Illinois Election Integrity Program website at ieip.org. Volunteer for as little or as much as you are able! Volunteers can help by joining the Illinois Election Integrity Program. Please reach out to CJ, our Election Integrity Director for further assistance.

We frequently hear that this Memo is not as widely distributed as it should be. Please help us in that regard by forwarding it to your family and friends. Click on the sign-up link

The left’s hypocrisy over Harvard laid bare

by Douglas Murray


What must you do to fail at Harvard?


It used to be pretty clear. You had to be caught cheating. Or doing something so outrageous that it’d get you thrown off campus. Not anymore.


Today Harvard is an institution that thinks that antisemitism is OK and believes that plagiarism is fine. Not long ago, a student would have been kicked out for either of these sins. Today the president has been caught at both. And the board of the university stuck by her.


Even when she decided to step down this week, both she and her supporters went into full-on “victimhood mode.”


Nothing was her fault.


In a bitter farewell piece, Claudine Gay said she was the victim of “demagogues” who had “weaponized” her presidency to “undermine the ideals animating Harvard since its founding: excellence, openness, independence and truth.”


If those are the animating ideals of Harvard, then they are ones that Gay herself trampled all over. With her lack of academic distinction, her total lack of scholarship, her plagiarism and self-pity.

Gay has published no books, written only 11 articles (most of which turn out to have been plagiarized), but still she was appointed president of Harvard.


As the Somali-born author and activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali told me in an interview this week, “My grandmother wouldn’t have trusted Claudine Gay to herd her goats.” Unlike Hirsi Ali, Gay comes from a privileged background, and she will continue her privileged lifestyle. It emerged this week that although Gay has left the presidency, she is going to stay on at Harvard as a lecturer. At a salary of an extraordinary $900,000 a year. Who knew lecturers were so well paid? Almost a million dollars a year for being a lecturer!


Everyone else in America must be wondering where it went so wrong for the rest of us. Still, in Gay’s sorry rise and blaming-everyone-but-herself fall, there are lessons to be learned.


“Don’t cheat” should be one for her.


For everyone else, it should be the realization that the playbook of the Diversity, Inclusion and Equity crowd is now out in plain, fetid sight. Because Gay and her defenders are not done yet. All week they have continued to pretend that her resignation is the result of unfair attacks from “racists” and “the right.”


Take another Gay: Mara Gay of the New York Times.


She said yesterday that Claudine Gay’s resignation was “really an attack on academic freedom. An attack on diversity” and “an attack on multiculturalism.”


The NYT writer went on, “I don’t have to say that they’re racist, because you can hear and see the racism in the attacks.”


Actually, you can hear and see no such thing. Though here are some things you can see. People who have spent their lives assaulting academic freedom now complaining that there is an assault on academic freedom. People who have been caught being racist now complaining about racism.


People who got where they got on everything except merit now complaining that there is an assault on merit. People who judge other people on their race falsely claiming other people are judging them that way.The truth is that you can have these things one way, but not every which way.


Supporters of Claudine Gay need to realize that a person with so little academic expertise should never have been expected to lead an institution of academic excellence. They need to realize that a university (Harvard) that was last year found to have 2.5% of the faculty willing to admit to being “conservative” and 0.4% willing to admit to being “very conservative” is not a place of intellectual freedom. But they are such hypocrites.


These defenders of Gay dare to talk about academic freedom when Harvard just ranked dead last among all American universities in the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression´s “2024 College Free Speech Rankings.” Indeed Harvard came in at number 248 in that list with a 0.00 overall score, Harvard under Claudine Gay was rated as having an “abysmal” climate for free speech.


Just four years ago, in 2019, Harvard decided not to renew the contract of Law School professor Ronald Sullivan, Jr., to act as a faculty dean.


His crime?


As a practicing lawyer Sullivan was on Harvey Weinstein’s defense team. This led to a backlash from idiot students.


And in her then role as Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Claudine Gay reportedly had a say in the decision to stop Sullivan’s contract. Such a moment might have been a good time to explain to students in the law school that a trial in a court requires lawyers for the defense and for the prosecution.


And that if the students wanted to have a career in the law they would find that out someday. Instead Claudine Gay and others abandoned the principles of academic freedom, gave into the mob, and failed completely to explain the most basic principles not just of Harvard but of the United States legal system.


Today Gay’s defenders may hide behind big claims. But they are flushed out into the open now, for all to see. As race-hustlers, frauds and hypocrites. America would do well to be rid of them from all such positions.

Thank you for all you do and for supporting the Illinois Republican Party.


Don Tracy

Please stand with us and consider making a $10 or $25 contribution to our efforts. Your generous donation will fund our fight against the Democrat socialist agenda. Thank you in advance.

Illinois Republican Party | PO Box 64897, Chicago, IL 60664
