Our organizing works! We couldn't do this without you.

WE DID IT, John!

NRA Chief Wayne LaPierre Resigned!!!!!

Make no mistake, Wayne is out at the NRA because of a lawsuit from the New York Attorney General that we triggered a few years ago.

Thanks to your support, we investigated the NRA and discovered a pattern of governance disputes, misreporting or unreported lobbying activities, contradictory sworn statements, and more. Then, we filed a complaint with the New York Attorney General calling for further investigation and action. The civil trial to remove LaPierre on corruption charges had just started jury selection but with the evidence stacked against him he resigned.

This is just the first of many victories to come for our gun violence prevention movement in 2024. Rush a donation to celebrate this victory and supercharge our efforts to expose the gun lobby’s corruption.

$10 $25 $35
$50 $100 Other

In solidarity and in action,

Natalie Fall
Executive Director
March For Our Lives


Paid for by March for Our Lives
March For Our Lives
P.O. Box 3417
New York, NY 10008
United States
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