Join Climate Watch to help create a brighter future for birds.
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National Audubon Society
Volunteers with the North Shore Audubon Society conduct a Climate Watch survey at Caumsett State Park in Lloyd Harbor, NY.
We invite you to count birds for a brighter future
Counting and documenting where birds are today and how they respond to a shifting climate is essential to protecting them tomorrow—and we need your help to do just that.

Climate Watch is Audubon’s biannual community science program that enlists volunteer bird-lovers across North America to tally for twelve target bird species and our winter session begins on January 15 and runs through February 15.

Want to help create a brighter future for the birds we all love? Find a coordinator in your area or learn from our online resources and participate on your own.

Questions? Contact the Audubon Climate Watch Team at [email protected].
Learn More
Volunteers with the North Shore Audubon Society conduct a Climate Watch survey at Caumsett State Park in Lloyd Harbor, NY. Photo: Luke Franke/Audubon
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