
A right-wing court recently ruled that Texas can ban emergency abortions despite federal guidance. Because of this far-right appellate court ruling, women in Texas are again at-risk of being denied life-saving care.

This is just the latest blow to reproductive rights across the country. Republicans have made it clear: Their top priority is a national abortion ban with zero exceptions – even if it saves the life of the mother, and even in cases of rape or incest.

I am horrified by the anti-abortion trend in this country. No woman, no matter their zip code, should be denied care. These decisions should be between a woman and her doctor, not MAGA Republicans.

That is why we must codify Roe v. Wade into law to make abortion safe and legal nationwide. Will you join me in protecting reproductive rights by signing my petition now?
Click to Sign >>

Safeguarding women’s reproductive rights is one of my top priorities as I run for office. Our likely Republican opponent is in favor of a nationwide abortion ban with zero exceptions.

So please, click here to join me in advocating for women’s bodily autonomy and protecting access to reproductive care.

In unity,
