“Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste”—Trump Should Listen to Salvini On Coronavirus, Impose a Nationalist Agenda; Latin America Scrambles To Stop U.S. Globalization From Infecting Them With COVID-19, etc. (80 items, 03/17/2020)


Again, a lot of coronavirus traffic—this time with Dos and Don’ts!


First up: Lance Welton with, Coronavirus And Vitamin C: Is THIS Why Israel Closed Its Borders? Some of us need to eat more oranges than others to fight off disease: specifically, Chinese and Jews. Israel might already know this- which might be why it reacted so decisively to COVID-19. Then again, Israel’s clearly not afraid to defend its borders. Consume vitamin C according to your genetic needs: DO!


In second, James Fulford reminds us of that time the Mayor Of Florence, Italy, Urged Locals To “Hug A Chinese” in Early February To Dispel “Prejudice”—how embarrassing! Definitely a DON’T.


Third: Patrick J. Buchanan asks “Will The Coronavirus Kill the New World Order?” One thing is clear: Globalism is a DON’T!


Fourth place is Lance Welton’s IT’S OFFICIAL: Chinese Scientists Find Genetic Explanation For Coronavirus Discriminating By Race. This article summarizes the first formal study released that supports Welton’s original suspicion that COVID-19 is not an “equal opportunity” virus. [Read his follow up here.] Race realism- DO! It will save lives.


Finally in fifth, Steve Sailer reports from his “walk-in closet”: Tucker Carlson Does It Again: Drives To Mar-A-Lago To Talk Trump Into Taking Coronavirus Seriously. Listen to Tucker Carlson’s advice on coronavirus, avoiding war with Iran, and the “New Way Forward Act– DO!


Bonus: Read VDARE.com from your walk-in closet? DO!

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