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Dear Friends,

We wish you and your loved ones a Happy New Year.

There are many wishes we could express regarding the right to information, as much remains to be done to safeguard access to freely reported and reliable news and information throughout the world.

Thanks to your support and generosity, we won many battles in 2023,  but major challenges still await us. 

We wish to succeed in freeing as many journalists as possible, journalists who have been unjustly imprisoned simply for trying to report the news.

We wish to assist in the adoption of legislation and regulations that facilitate the work of media professionals – an essential condition for exercising freedom of opinion.

We wish to obtain the implementation of sound principles that protect journalistic ethics and put technological progress at the service of the right to reliable news and information.

We wish to combat propaganda and disinformation successfully, by thwarting censorship and by making free and independent media accessible to as many people as possible.

We know we can count on your commitment to back our fight for the facts. For us, these wishes are also commitments to action. You can count on us to rise to the challenge.

Thank you for your support.

The Reporters Without Borders team


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