PFAW Member -- There are breaking developments in the Arizona senate race between Democrat Mark Kelly and Trump Republican Senator Martha McSally – new polling released just last week shows Kelly with a 12-POINT LEAD over McSally, 48-36!!!1 As we adapt to new methods of organizing and voter outreach in these unprecedented times, we must take great care not to squander this momentum. We know that Trump and national Republicans are pulling out all the stops and will spend any amount to defend McSally’s seat … and we can expect polling to get MUCH closer as we near Election Day … but this shows just how much potential we have to flip this seat and turn Arizona BLUE! That’s why we need to redouble our efforts to keep McSally’s – and the GOP’s – failure of leadership in the spotlight for Arizona voters! There’s also new reporting from the New York Times that highlights the recent shift in voter demographics in Arizona – which could vastly improve the chances we have of flipping this seat in November! As former residents in the region from states like California move to Arizona, they bring with it more progressive votes and are putting this once solidly red state in play for 2020.2 Few could have expected that a state Trump won in the 2016 election would now also have him under water with voters and losing in hypothetical match-ups between either Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders, but here we are – and it’s in part because of your ongoing support to hold Trump Republicans accountable, friend. Because of McConnell’s Republican majority, they have been able to ram through a record number of unfit, far-right judicial nominees, BLOCK urgently needed bills passed by the Democratic House, and betrayed their oath to uphold the Constitution when they participated in one of the most egregious cover-ups in recent history with their sham impeachment trial of Trump. And Republican Senators like Martha McSally voted in lockstep the entire time. Let’s make sure voters hold them accountable at the ballot box this fall >> Thanks for all that you do – and for your continued support, – Zach, PFAW
[1] “Poll: Kelly opens up double-digit lead against McSally in Arizona Senate race” The Hill, 3/13/20 [2] “Arizona Boom Draws Californians and Changes Political Hue” The New York Times, 3/15/20