Donald Trump thinks his hand-picked Supreme Court supermajority is his “get out of jail free” card.

Clarence Thomas must recuse himself from all insurrection-related Supreme Court cases.



Donald Trump thinks his hand-picked Supreme Court supermajority is his “get out of jail free” card. And right now, we’re waiting on a sign of whether he’s right.


Three years after MAGA insurrectionists attacked the U.S. Capitol, the Trump-stacked Supreme Court may put its thumb on the scale of the 2024 election by weighing in on insurrection-related cases — as Clarence Thomas, the spouse of a right-wing activist involved in efforts to overturn the 2020 election, sits on the court.


With his myriad January 6-related conflicts of interest, Clarence Thomas has no business hearing cases related to Trump’s insurrection. Will you sign our petition and demand that Thomas recuses himself from all insurrection-related cases?

Clarence Thomas’ wife Ginni Thomas is an insurrectionist who made headlines for her texts with former Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows urging Trump not to concede the 2020 election. 


She also attended the Stop the Steal Rally that preceded the deadly Capitol riot.


And now this insurrectionist’s “best friend,” confidante, and husband Clarence Thomas has another chance to weigh in on whether states should be forced to allow Trump on the ballot this fall despite his efforts to incite that very riot.


This week, House Democrats called on Justice Clarence Thomas to recuse himself from a case related to Trump and the Capitol coup. Will you turn up the public pressure by signing our petition calling for Thomas’ recusal?


Until we take back this illegitimate court, the threat of the justices handing Trump a trump card will continue to endanger our democracy. 


Add your voice to the growing chorus calling on Thomas to recuse himself from cases related to January 6 by signing our petition here.

Thank you for your partnership in our fight to restore integrity to our nation’s highest court,


Sarah Lipton-Lubet
President, Take Back the Court Action Fund