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CPJ Insider: New Year edition


A photographer takes pictures of a wildfire in Brasilia, Brazil, in 2018. Check out CPJ's 2023 annual report to learn more about CPJ’s assistance to journalists covering the environment. (Reuters/Ueslei Marcelino)

Your support helped sustain our work last year—thank you! 

Your life-saving support in 2023 helped sustain CPJ’s work and mission at a particularly difficult time for journalists. Thank you for being our partner and friend–standing with us throughout the year to champion our right to be informed. Learn more »

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RTSS7NN5.jpg‘Unparalleled’: Israel-Gaza war takes record toll on journalists

More journalists were killed in the first 10 weeks of the Israel-Gaza war than have ever been killed in a single country over an entire year, according to CPJ data. Learn more »

CopyrightAndyRyan-5837_websize.jpgCPJ partners with Leica Camera with “The Truth in Focus”

CPJ and Leica Camera have joined together in partnership to help point photographers and photojournalists alike in the direction of our safety resources, offer insight into our safety workshops.  Learn more »

CPJ in the news

Palestinian Journalists Offer a Rare Glimpse Into Life in Gaza. But for How Long?” TIME

Issam Abdallah: Rights groups want Israel investigated over killed journalist,” BBC

These Journalists Are Reporting From Gaza Amid Israeli Bombardment,” Teen Vogue

CBC News Network's Hannah Thibedeau speaks with Jodie Ginsberg, President of the Committee to Protect Journalists,” CBC

‘Hugely frustrating’: international media seek to overcome Gaza ban,” The Guardian

CNN says 9 of Gaza producer’s relatives killed in Israeli strike,” The Hill

The War in Gaza Has Been Deadly for Journalists,” The New Yorker

France says it is working to get AFP journalists out of Gaza,” Le Monde

Israel’s wartime assault on the free press,” Vox Media

Number of journalists killed in Gaza since Oct. 7 attacks called unprecedented loss,” NPR

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Committee to Protect Journalists
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