Friends –
Remember when Smokey the Bear told us how we had to stop forest fires? He reminded us that to combat forest fires, we all had to do our part. “Only YOU can prevent forest fires.”
The coronavirus, COVID-19, is a forest fire. “Only YOU can prevent the spread of COVID-19” is a fair thing to say in these times.
We’re going to be doing everything we can in Washington to make sure folks affected by this — both those infected and those affected by financial ramifications — are taken care of. That’s why I’ve introduced bipartisan legislation that would allow Americans rapid access to the coronavirus vaccine once developed, with no cost-sharing. My colleagues and I just passed what we know will be the first of many coronavirus aid packages. And we’re going to look to do more, quickly.
We need to work towards expanding Medicaid, working together to keep rural hospitals open, and improving, not dismantling, the Affordable Care Act. It’s time to get health care access in all zip codes across the United States.
But the truth is that no matter what we do in Washington, YOU (and all of us) are our best defense now. You are the frontline. Don’t shake hands to show strength – stopping that simple contact is not only going to keep us safer, it’s going to strengthen the fight to stop this virus. For the sick and the elderly, the most vulnerable, the children who are missing school lunch programs, and the people who can’t afford to go one day, let alone a week or a couple of months without wages. That’s who we’ve got to do this for.
We are all in this together. I can promise you that I will work my hardest to make sure my colleagues in Washington do our part and respond to this crisis in a manner that is worthy of the sacrifices everyday Americans are making across this country.
- Doug
Keeping up with the Facts
To stay up-to-date on new information relating to COVID-19, visit the Centers for Disease Control website as new recommendations and news become available.
Most importantly, we need to work together and be responsible to slow the spread of COVID-19. This means practicing social distancing and staying home from school or work if you feel ill. Remember to wash your hands often, avoid large crowds, and disinfect frequently used surfaces often.
If we all do our part now to stop the pandemic from getting worse, we will be better off in the coming months.
Thank you for taking the time to read these updates and please stay safe!
- Team Doug