By C.J. Atkins

For the second day in a row, there was only one new coronavirus case confirmed in the Chinese city of Wuhan, the original epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak. Meanwhile, across North America and Europe, the number of cases continues to climb—as do anxiety levels around the effectiveness of government responses. China is beginning to emerge from the worst days of its fight against coronavirus, while the rest of the world is just waking up to how much prep time was lost these last two months.
People in the West are embarking on what looks to be several weeks of sheltering at home to avoid infection, emptying grocery store shelves and stocking up on prescriptions. But in Wuhan, being trapped at home has been the reality of life for almost two months already.
In early February, People’s World interviewed Lupin, a 26-year-old man living in Wuhan with his family. He works in Toronto, Canada, but Lupin travelled back to his hometown for the Chinese New Year holiday in the last week of January. He landed on the same day that the city of 11 million people was sealed by the government in an attempt to stop the spread of COVID-19, which is believed to have originated there.
Since the quarantine orders came, Lupin has been holed up at home with his parents. On Tuesday, March 17, he again spoke with us about what life has been like in the nearly six weeks since our last interview. Day after day, week after week in the same house has been monotonous, he says, especially when you are inundated with seemingly endless negative news. “It can be hard to keep the optimism up,” he told People’s World, but “it has made me reflect on how we should not take life for granted....