President Trump Tuesday evening officially secured his presumptive re-nomination as the Republican presidential nominee.Trump according to NBC News 2020 Delegate Count has 1,310 delegates after Tuesday’s wins in Florida and Illinois, surpassing the 1,276 delegates

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MSNBC's Chris Hayes Uses Trump's Stimulus Request As 'Proof' That 'We Can, Of Course, Afford a Green New Deal'

By Brittany M. Hughes | 17 Mar 2020

Taking a cue from the far-left progressive Democrats he so often props up on his show, MSNBC’s Chris Hayes seized on President Donald Trump’s $500 billion economic stimulus request form Congress to claim America...

'They're Not Pretty, But They Work': America's Distilleries Step Up To Meet Sanitizer Demands Amid Public Health Crisis

By Brittany M. Hughes | 18 Mar 2020

Faced with a public health crisis that threatens to shut down industry and potentially devastate some smaller businesses beyond repair, some employers are stepping up to the challenge of staying open – and meeting...

Philly Police To Stop Arresting People For Theft, Burglary During Coronavirus Outbreak

By Brittany M. Hughes | 18 Mar 2020

While the coronavirus has sparked panic among the general populace at large, jails, prisons and detention centers have come under increased scrutiny for the ability – or, rather, lack of – to keep the...

Pop Media Darling 'Economist' Krugman Uses Stock Market Crash To Attack Trump's 'Magic Talisman'

By P. Gardner Goldsmith | 18 Mar 2020

The favorite collectivist-economics boosting celeb of the leftist dinosaur media is at it again. Economist Paul Krugman recently tweeted his seeming praise of COVID19 pushing the Dow Jones to, for ...


Help us secure billboards in Charlotte during the 2020 Republican National Convention!


CNN has used the COVID-19 virus to misreport, book outrageously deceptive guests, and perpetuate lies.


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