Early last year, I outlined several reasons I was concerned about the fate of the world’s children for the year. Unfortunately, most of my concerns came to pass. Droughts, floods, cyclones and fires fueled in part by climate change caused more hunger and illness for children. Ongoing and new armed conflicts caused too many child deaths and increased the number of kids and families displaced from their homes.
While the holiday season and 2023 are officially behind us, for many children across the globe, these conflicts and hardships continue into the new year.
Despite this bitter reality, I find hope every year in the long-term, real progress that has been made for children over the last several decades with UNICEF. Here are just a few of the ways this community showed up for children in the first half of 2023:
💙 UNICEF vaccinated nearly half the world’s children against some of the most deadly, preventable diseases.
💙 In multiple countries during the first half of 2023, UNICEF provided psychosocial support and tools to help over 10 million children adolescents and caregivers manage mental health concerns so they could go on learning and living.
💙 Alongside partners, UNICEF reached more than 150 million children with services for the early detection and treatment of child wasting in high-risk settings.
All to say, we’ve done some amazing work together and these successes are multiplied many times over by all those who join us in this work. Even in this difficult past year, we’ve seen progress.
So let’s keep at it — let’s keep working to improve the health, education and protection of all the children still in need.
Let’s hold onto that in this new chance at a fresh start for ourselves, and for millions of children worldwide counting on us to keep showing up.
With hope and gratitude,
Michael J. Nyenhuis
President and CEO