Dear supporter,
Our Winter Newsletter is now available online. We trust it will encourage and equip you to pray and to take action.
Our vital work protecting both parents and the ordinary work of churches from a repressive new ‘conversion therapy’ law has accelerated and will continue well into the new year. Our education department has been applying its expertise to the various different forms of sex education being taught around the UK and Ireland.
Sadly, a new concern for free speech has arisen. The Institute campaigned successfully in 2001, 2005 and again in 2015 to ensure that faithful gospel ministry was not caught by vague laws to combat ‘extremism’. We need to do so again. Loose wording risks outlawing any political expression that does not reflect popular views.
Thank you for all your support as we seek to continue to equip you to be a Christian influence in this increasingly secular world. If you would like to make a donation to the work of The Christian Institute you can do so using the button below.
Yours in Christ,
Colin Hart Director The Christian Institute