“US Supreme Court officially asked to take up Trump’s 14th Amendment issue”

Worried Donald Trump
SIGN NOW: Demand the Supreme Court BAN Trump from the ballot >>
Friend it’s crystal clear: the 14th Amendment of the Constitution DISQUALIFIES Trump from ever holding office again.
 U.S. Constitution Amdt 14.S3.1.1 
Disqualification Clause

“No Person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office...shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.”
That’s why states like Colorado and Maine have BANNED Trump from the 2024 ballot!
NBC News: Maine disqualifies Trump from 2024 ballot. / Axios: Colorado Supreme Court removes Trump from state's ballot.
But now, Trump has appealed to his far-right cronies on the Supreme Court – they could help him remain on the ballot. 
Trump and Conservative Justices
So we need Democrats everywhere to DEMAND that the Supreme Court BAN Donald Trump from the ballot.

We need you to take action to stop Trump, Friend. Please represent your state and add your name now >>

SIGN NOW: Demand the Supreme Court BAN Trump from the ballot >>
Thank you for taking a stand.

Democratic Victory Project
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Denver, CO 80123

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