Happy new year John,
Looking to make 2024 count? Become a Climate Voter.
Pledge to be a Climate Voter: [link removed]
It only takes a minute to add your name
You and I might be making different new year’s resolutions but fundamentally, we all want pretty similar things in 2024.
A warm place to call home, quieter streets with cleaner air, good health for ourselves and our loved ones, a thriving natural world, and the knowledge that we’re passing on a liveable planet to future generations.
All this can be achieved through strong climate action, and a general election is coming this year. So if you only keep one resolution this year, make it becoming a Climate Voter.
Let’s send a message loud and clear to all political parties: to win our vote, politicians must have a plan for bold, forward-thinking action on climate and the many other crises we face.
Become a Climate Voter: [link removed]
It’s really quick and easy to join
A majority of people in this country are worried about the climate crisis and want the government to unleash the solutions and all the benefits they will bring. But many politicians don’t think these people will vote with the climate in mind. Project Climate Vote is going to prove them wrong. By pledging to be a Climate Voter you’re helping us turn this climate majority into a political force all parties have to reckon with.
History has shown us that when people unite with a common cause, real change can happen. If enough of us come together as Climate Voters to say the same thing, all politicians will know our votes are at stake and have no choice but to listen to us. The bigger the movement we create, the louder and more visible we can be. Will you help us make this happen?
Join Project Climate Vote: [link removed]
It takes just a minute to sign up
Pledging is just the first step of this journey. Once you become a Climate Voter, we’ll keep you in the loop on all the ways you can join with others in your community to build pressure on politicians ahead of the election, show your power at the ballot box and hold the future government, whoever it is, to account.
We’re so excited to be working on this project with you.
Thanks for all that you do,
Greenpeace UK
We don't accept any money from companies or governments so we can be independent and challenge anyone who threatens the planet or peace. To help us keep fighting climate change, defending our oceans and protecting ancient forests, you can become a monthly supporter today
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