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MRC | America's Media Watchdog


Are you self-isolating at home? If so, we have a great book recommendation for you to enjoy while you’re curled up with a nice hot cup of tea to relax.

Mary Ball Washington: The Untold Story of George Washington's Mother takes a look at this relatively unknown woman’s life and how she may have influenced her son, George Washington.

Historian and author, Craig Shirley, was supposed to do an in-person book talk at George Washington’s Mount Vernon this week, but it was postponed due to COVID-19. BUT, because Craig loves MRC supporters… he wanted us to share a sneak peak of what the book talk was going to be all about. Craig sat down with the MRC’s Founder & President Brent Bozell to talk about his new book Mary Ball Washington: The Untold Story of George Washington's Mother.

Watch the full interview here:
Craig Shirley interview

Available on Amazon.com now!
Craig Shirley Book Cover

 (Note: There may be a shipping delay due to Amazon.com’s new temporary policy to prioritize shipping of food, diapers, and disinfectants before other consumer goods. Be sure to check the estimated delivery date during your order. Just in case, there are immediate delivery options through Kindle and Audible!)

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— The MRC Digital Communications Team

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