What snot colors actually mean. Everything you need to know about fevers in children. The ultimate baby reflux survival guide. These were some of the most popular articles on Rise and Shine in 2023. Read on for our full top 10 list, and have a happy and healthy new year from Children's National Hospital!

illustration of boy blowing his nose

Snot colors and what they mean

Snot can take on different colors depending on how it adapts to what’s going on in your body. That’s why it’s actually a good thing to take a look at what’s in your tissue.
mom bottle feeding baby

The ultimate baby reflux survival guide

Did you know that more than half of all babies experience reflux? It usually begins at 2 weeks of life and peaks at 4 to 5 months of life. Fortunately, most babies will outgrow reflux by the time they reach 12 to 18 months of age.
girl with a stomach ache

Combating diarrhea from antibiotics

Diarrhea is common in children taking antibiotics. Fortunately, in most cases it is mild and only lasts a few days to a week. However, in some cases, it can persist a few weeks after your child finishes the antibiotic.
child sleeping with teddy bear

Fevers in children, everything you need to know

Every kid gets a fever from time to time, and usually it’s nothing to worry about. But it’s important to know what to do when this happens. Here’s everything you need to know about fevers in children, including when to contact your doctor.
girl leaning against a wall

Fainting in kids: when to worry

Knowing the difference between a potentially dangerous faint and the more common, benign faint may seem intimidating, but there are clues that can help guide a family or provider to seek additional help and evaluation.
little girl drinking milk

Is your child drinking too much milk?

While it is true that milk can be a great part of a healthy diet, too much milk can lead to health problems such as iron deficiency anemia and protein loss.

Why do babies choke on mucus?

For the first few days of your baby’s life, he or she may have a lot of mucus in their nose or throat. A baby’s gag reflex can be triggered by too much mucus, so they may appear to choke if there are excess secretions in their mouth.

Six tips for setting up a summer routine

As tempting as it is to have a fully carefree summer, it's not great for children. It's important to set up some routines and structure in order to maintain their happiness, good eating habits, physical activity and sleep.
little girl having a tantrum

How do I deal with a child who screams constantly?

Young kids have fewer ways of identifying and coping with their emotions. One of their most common methods of coping is throwing a tantrum or screaming. The good news is that there are things you can do to help.
baby getting a vaccine

At what ages do kids get vaccinations?

Keeping track of immunizations can be difficult, especially when it seems like your baby is getting a vaccine every month. To help, we created a chart to show the approximate schedule of recommended vaccines for your child.

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