Why The Palestinian Authority Is No Better than Hamas
by Bassam Tawil • January 4, 2024 at 5:00 am
The Biden administration has yet to spell out what it means when it talks about a "revitalized" Palestinian Authority.
If the Biden administration is hoping that the PA leadership will halt its ongoing campaign of incitement against Israel in the mosques, media and the rhetoric of Palestinian officials, it is living in a dream world. If the Biden administration believes that the PA, as part of a "revitalization" process, will cease its endless glorification of terrorists and systematically rewarding them with monthly stipends for murdering Israelis, it is also in for a rude awakening.
The Biden administration... can continue to dream about "revamping" the PA, but... every Palestinian child knows that this will never happen as long as Palestinian leaders continue to pay handsomely for the murder of Jews and call for the elimination of Israel.
As the Biden administration doubtless knows, replacing Hamas with the PA will change nothing in the Gaza Strip.

As the Biden administration continues to promote the idea of having a "revitalized" Palestinian Authority (PA) govern the Gaza Strip the day after the current Israel-Hamas war, PA leaders are again proving why they are not much different from the Iran-backed Islamist terrorists who want to destroy Israel and murder Jews.
After the January 2 assassination in Beirut, Lebanon, of Saleh al-Arouri, deputy head of the Hamas "political bureau," who was behind countless terroir attacks against Israelis over the past decade, PA leaders were quick to praise him as a "martyr" and a "hero" and condemn Israel for allegedly killing the top Hamas terrorist. This glorification of an arch-terrorist is nothing less than a full endorsement of Hamas's Jihad (holy war) on Israel, as outlined in its 1988 charter, which states that "Jihad is its path and death for the sake of Allah is the loftiest of its wishes." (Article 8)