Our shared project: bringing humanistic, democratic, and socialist outlook to millions

Dear John,
I don’t know about you, but I am existentially concerned about the future of our country and the fate of the world. The coronavirus pandemic has only heightened those concerns.
As one of the People’s World staff writers collective, I count myself extremely fortunate to be able to daily share my fears and hopes with other like-minded writers and editors. We discuss our work together and try to interpret current events and help shape a progressive vision for the future.
For example, people need vital information to confront the coronavirus national emergency. And the People’s World is providing information from health experts every day.
None of this is possible without you, the readers. This is a collaborative project and we can’t do it without your continued support. Please donate today so we can continue to provide valuable information and outlook!
All of us are highly aware of how dangerous our world is. Yet also we are motivated by a higher calling: To bring a humanistic, democratic and socialist outlook to our readers.
We all try to be flexible in our writing and editing assignments, but my own specialty is cultural reporting. I am honored to share with you the good news of so many people moved to action by their moral convictions who create important music, theater, graphic art, film, to help us stay human and aspire toward the better world we know is possible.
I feel that the work we do at PW is not just for today but for always. We will let history judge how capably we captured the spirit of our age, and how usefully we established models of supportive, people-centered, class-conscious journalism.
Because I earn Social Security, I am in a position to give back with a monthly sustainer for People’s World. I can’t put myself in other people’s shoes, but if you find what we publish day in and day out a valuable addition to your understanding of the world, I imagine that you might similarly be motivated to support our work. Some people make it $5 a month, others $100. Most are somewhere in between.
I want you to know that this kind of dependable, predictable support, at whatever level you find possible, is helping to attract more and more readers to our pages with each passing week. There is a genuine hunger for real news and honest, committed analysis, and we are providing it.
I urge you to keep the flow coming for your own good and for the commonwealth of the planet. Future generations will look back on these times and feel grateful that People’s World continued to come through, as it has done since 1924!
Thank you, sisters and brothers!
Eric A. Gordon