In light of the public health crisis that is occurring due to the Coronavirus, the federal government has been proposing many responses to try to relieve the American economy. However, many of these solutions are the very types of things that inspired the protests that launched the tea party movement.
We would like to know your thoughts on these proposals as well as if you have any ideas on how the government can help in this time of crisis.
We support President Trump and want to do everything we can to help him succeed, but many of these policies go against everything we’ve stood for since the beginning of our movement – ie. bailouts, stimulus packages, and reckless government spending. We need to know where you stand so that we can reflect your thoughts in our response to these policies. Regarding the Coronavirus: we are working on a hub page with resources to help you during this public health crisis. We have also included some ideas and solutions for us to come together as a community to help each other without having to rely on the government to save us. For example, if you have neighbors who are in an at-risk category, you could offer to run errands for them so that they don't have to go out in public. You can work out how they will pay you and you can leave the items on their doorstep so that they don't even have to make human contact.
If you are doing anything specifically to help in your community and would like to share, please let us know that in the survey as well! If you are opposed to these proposed policies, please tweet and post messages on their Facebook page to let your Senators and Representative know. Many of them do not have staffers in the office right now, so making phone calls will likely fall on deaf ears.
Everyone, please continue to pray for our nation and let’s continue to come together to pull through this. In liberty,
Jenny Beth Martin
![]() Tea Party Patriots Action operates as a social welfare organization under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Tea Party Patriots Action are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes. © 2020 Tea Party Patriots Action 80 M St SE, First Floor, Washington, D.C. 20003
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