John C. Goodman (Forbes)

Here is the brutal truth: families with the worst medical problems and the most expensive medical needs would be better off if Obamacare had never become law. And here’s another brutal truth: we all can get sick. So how about we just repeal this failed law? READ MORE »
David T. Beito (Reason)

President Roosevelt’s civil liberties abuses extended far beyond the Japanese internment camps. And there are few better examples than the New Deal’s campaign against the black press. The details will shock you. READ MORE »
Michael C. Munger (AIER)

ChatGPT and other forms of AI are not so different from the printing press, the calculator, and GPS systems. These new technologies were “disruptive,” too. Can we move on now? READ MORE »
Edited by Robert M. Whaples et al.
Lawrence J. McQuillan (The Beacon)

Inexpensive housing would be built in California if government allowed it. But it doesn’t, and, as a result, the state’s streets teem with 151,000 homeless people, a human and moral tragedy unequalled in American history. There is an answer. His name is Chris Mortenson. READ MORE »
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