
We wanted to keep you updated on the progress Congress is making to keep you and your families safe during the coronavirus pandemic.

Right now, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act is headed to the Senate to be put to a vote, but Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans have shown an unwillingness to act swiftly.

McConnell sent senators home last Friday for recess instead of staying in Washington to work on crisis legislation. Sunday, he announced that the Senate would be returning to work on legislation, but he's not committed to any quick timeline.

Mitch McConnell's lack of urgency is more than concerning, it's downright dangerous. Americans need peace of mind, relief, and action from our leaders.

We can't wait for the Senate to twiddle their thumbs and kick the can down the road any further. Sign our petition and urge the Senate to vote on the Families First Coronavirus Response Act immediately. Thank you,

Team Mauro

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P.O. Box 21099
Des Moines, IA 50321