Dear friend,
In 2023, UNFPA assisted millions of women, girls, and young people with a range of lifesaving services, supplies, and information — all fueled by your generous gifts.
Thank you for being there for women and girls in their darkest moments.
You delivered care where it was needed most: in Afghanistan, Gaza and the West Bank, Sudan, the Congo, Ukraine, Somalia, Yemen, and more crisis-stricken regions across the world. While the world moved on from crisis after crisis, your support was steadfast.
Last year, your gifts:
- Deployed 808 mobile clinics in 36 countries
- Provided 10.6 million people with sexual and reproductive health services and 4.2 million women with violence prevention services in 50 countries
- Supported 3,648 health facilities in 48 countries
- Distributed Dignity Kits, deployed midwives, and delivered more care, wherever help was needed most
Our work is far from finished as we usher in a new year. Needs still persist around the world, and we must be there to answer the call.
UNFPA’s work delivering sexual and reproductive health care and services around the world will remain critical to the betterment of the lives of women and girls. I’m grateful to consider you a part of this mission.
Thank you for your continued support.
Anu Surendran
Chief Executive Officer